New administrative division marks parliamentary year

  • Luanda • Thursday, 15 August de 2024 | 18h15
Sessão Solene de Encerramento da V Legislatura
Sessão Solene de Encerramento da V Legislatura
Joaquina Bento - ANGOP

Luanda - The country's new territorial order linked to the Political and Administrative Division Law, approved by the National Assembly (AN), which ends on Thursday (15 August) the 2023-2024 Parliamentary Year, is one of the main bills authorized by the Angolan parliament.

According to the deputy of the Social Renewal Party (PRS), Rui Malopa Miguel, this legislature was very dynamic and positive, as important laws were produced that will impact the lives of citizens, such as the new Law on political reorganization and administrative aspects of the country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the closing Plenary session of the II Session of the 5th Legislature of the National Assembly, considered that the parliamentary year, which ends today, projects the 3th legislature as quite challenging, taking into account the bills that have passed, such as the local elections package.

In turn, deputy Paulo de Carvalho, from the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) Parliamentary Group, and from the State Administration and Local Power Commission, defend that the country's new Political and Administrative Division deserves monitoring so that it can be applied by agents of the public administration.

He said that it will create a closer relationship between services and citizens, but above all, that it can effectively solve people's problems.

In his view, it is not prudent to carry out a connection between the administrative division and the implementation of local elections, because this is a different bill that should be approved in the near future.

Regarding the exercise of the AN, it is currently quite fruitful, as numerous working visits were carried out across the different provinces, where it was possible to get in touch with the deeper reality of the country.

On the same occasion, another MPLA deputy, Esteves Hilário, mentioned the new Law on the Administrative Political Division of Angola as a gain for the country, as it was the result of consultation, discussion and fruitful debates, which were developed to enrich the bill approved, with the aim of creating three more provinces, increasing from 18 to 21.

Esteves Hilário believes that this initiative aims to bring benefits reflected in the quality of life of each Angolan.

In turn, he highlighted that this year parliamentary activity was very positive, despite the numerous challenges.

Asked about the work of the parliamentary committee created to evaluate the two bills on the institutionalization of local elections, he said that the dialogue will continue until a common point of view is reached so that it can be approved consensually and its improvement in the near future.

In the same vein, the MP Gonçalves Muandumba from MPLA, pointed out that the administrative division is included in the electoral programme of the party that governs the country with the spirit to bring governance closer to the population and combat asymmetries.

To him, this administrative division will make governance more interactive and dynamic, in which citizens will readily present their concerns to those in leadership positions.

In turn, deputy Francisco Viana, from the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) parliamentary bench, defended greater supervision, by the National Assembly, of the Government's acts, as well as expressing interest in the Local Authorities Law in the next legislature. OPF/SC/MRA/DOJ

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