Angolan president announces plan to improve water supply to Lubango

  • Luanda     Friday, 31 May De 2024    13h00  
Presidente João Lourenço
Presidente João Lourenço

Matala – Angolan president João Lourenço, said on Friday that the government has already secured funding to start the plan to improve the water supply to Lubango city and projects to combat drought.

Speaking to the press after the inauguration of the Matala Hydroelectric Plant in Huíla province, the Head of State recognized that Lubango city has a ‘very large’ deficit in terms of water supply.

Although he didn't specify dates, the President guaranteed that the authorizations have been given and funding guaranteed both for the Lubango city project and for the reservoirs and dams as part of the fight against drought in southern Angola.

The president recalled that in terms of drought-fighting projects, priority has been given to Cunene province, where the Cafu Canal was built, while next year the Ndué, Calucuve and Cova do Leão dams are expected to be concluded.

As for Huíla province, the priority in the fight against drought is the municipality of Gambos.

In this area, the president  said that attention will also be focused on Namibe province, where the construction of six dams is planned, as well as small water projects, which are due to start up soon.

Cassinga Mining Project

President João Lourenço also guaranteed that funding would be available to get it for the construction of the power line to the Cassinga mining area.

João Lourenço said the government intends to see this mining project get off the ground, as well as the construction of the steel factory in the Sacomar region, in Moçâmedes city (Namibe). MS/LHE/ART/TED/AMP

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