Nelson Cosme accredited as ambassador to Yemen

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 21 August de 2024 | 13h41
Embaixador Nelson Cosme (à dir.) acreditado no Iémen
Embaixador Nelson Cosme (à dir.) acreditado no Iémen

Luanda – The Diplomat Nelson Cosme on Wednesday in Aden presented his Letters of Credence to the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council of Yemen, Rashad Al-Alimi, which entitles him to perform the duties of Angola's ambassador in that country, with non-resident status.

According to a press release sent to ANGOP, the accreditation ceremony was preceded by the handing over of the Letters of Intent to the Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Shaya Moshen Al-zidan.

During a brief meeting, the Angolan diplomat expressed his desire to see the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two countries strengthened.

The Yemen authorities, on their side, expressed interest in benefiting from Angola's experience in achieving peace and national reconciliation, as well as strengthening cooperation ties in the economic and political-diplomatic fields.

In addition to Yemen, Ambassador Nelson Manuel Cosme is also Angola's diplomatic representative in the Arab Republic of Egypt, where he is resident, Lebanon, Jordan and the State of Palestine.VIC/TED/AMP

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