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MIREX addresses mechanisms to improve diplomatic missions functioning

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 06 February de 2024 | 19h10
Angolan Foreign Affairs Ministry headquarters (Luanda).
Angolan Foreign Affairs Ministry headquarters (Luanda).
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - The minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António, held this Tuesday a working meeting with the deans of ambassadors from countries in the African and American regions, aiming to search for mechanisms to improve their work in the country.

According to a note to which ANGOP had access to, the meeting, held in the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX), served for representatives of the diplomatic corps from the aforementioned regions to present concerns inherent to the administrative and financial life of the Diplomatic Missions.

According to the diplomats, the concerns have to do with the restrictions imposed by some banks on administrative and financial procedures, which affect the normal functioning of the missions' business hours.

For this reason, they request the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to advocate with the competent entities, namely the Ministry of Finance and the Angola Central Bank (BNA), in order to find a solution that makes the process viable between the diplomatic representations accredited in the country and financial institutions.

The meeting was also attended by Mirex's secretary of State for Administration, Finance and Assets, Maria Auxiliadora Pascoal Ramiro, as well as officials from different departments and a BNA representative.

The diplomatic missions from the Africa and America regions were represented by the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Morocco, Saadia El Alaoui (dean of the Africa region) and the Zambian diplomat Lawrence Chama Chalungumana (vice-dean of the Africa region).

In turn, the America region was represented by its dean, ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Marlon José Peña Labrador.


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