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Minister call for speed of municipal works of Menongue

  • Luanda • Friday, 30 December de 2022 | 19h09
Minister of Territorial Administration visits Cuando Cubango
Minister of Territorial Administration visits Cuando Cubango
Armando Morais

Menongue - Angolan minister of Territorial Administration Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca Friday in Manongue, south-east Cuando Cubango province, recommended the speed in the execution of the works of the local administrative building, as part of the institutionalisation of municipalities.

The works, which began in January 2021, had an execution period of 18 months and, at this time, only has foundations and the implantation of the pillars, which left the Minister Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca "outraged" .

The building, which will have two floors, is located on an area of 2.5 hectares and will have offices, two auditoriums, one with 86 seats and the other with 50, among other spaces.

The works, entrusted to the Chinese company "Beijing N5 Construction", are budgeted at around  3 billion kwanzas, within the framework of the Integrated Plan of Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM).

Speaking to the press at the end of the visit to the works of the future building of the municipal administration, the official announced plans for construction of four buildings of this type in the province of Cuando Cubango, as part of the implementation and institutionalisation of municipal offices.

Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca asked the government of Cuando Cubango to monitor the public works, so that the contractual deadlines are respected.

The Minister also underlined the need for a continuous dialogue between the members of the executive and the local population, in order to understand their aspirations and seek common solutions.

With a working day that will last until January 2 next year, Dionísio Manuel da Fonseca highlighted three objectives to be achieved during his stay in the province of Cuando Cubango, namely the preparation of the general budget of the State (OGE/2023), evaluation and monitoring of major central works.

He said that the concerns expressed by the local governor to the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, would deserve attention for articulation with the provincial government in identifying the best measures and solutions for the proper execution of the projects.

The Minister recalled that within the framework of the Integrated Plan of Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM), the province has 76 projects, of which 60 are being implemented satisfactorily.

According to the Minister, the works will solve the main problems of the population in terms of education, health, water supply, as well as improving the quality of the environment, thanks to the tree planting program of Province.

As part of his stay in Cuando Cubango, the Minister handed over five ambulances to the health sector, which will help improve medical/medication assistance for the population.

On Saturday, he will visit the municipality of Cuito Cuanavale, where he will see the levels of execution of the administrative residential complex, the Memorial of the victory of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale and will hold a courtesy meeting with King Mwene Mbingo Mbingo , as well as participating in a Solidarity Christmas in the village of Masseca.

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