Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Minister highlights reforms in state's local administration

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 27 November de 2024 | 15h36
Ministro da Administração do Território, Dionísio da Fonseca
Ministro da Administração do Território, Dionísio da Fonseca
Luís Catraio-ANGOP

Luanda - The Minister of  Territory Administration, Dionísio da Fonseca, said Wednesday that local public management in Angola has been very dynamic due to legislative and administrative reforms.

Speaking at the opening of the Introduction to Public Service for Local Bodies course for municipal managers, the minister said the dynamic was also achieved by strengthening transparency and rigor, but above all by initiatives to promote citizens’ participation in local governance.

The minister emphasized that the training for local government managers will enable them to understand the challenges of designing and implementing municipal public policies, as well as allowing them to absorb the advantages and, as far as possible, adopt good practices in line with the context and dynamics of the territories in which they operate.

It also has the advantage of developing strategies that lead to more robust and efficient management, capable of providing better public services and guaranteeing prosperity for citizens, families and businesses.

According to Dionísio da Fonseca, the local manager must understand the territorial dynamics of the development of the district, in which they operate, master its factors of competitiveness, promote the local economy, boost inter-municipal cooperation, as well as the full exercise of citizenship guaranteeing citizens' access to basic services.

 ‘In order to achieve these objectives, which are as practical as they are strategic, it is necessary to promote excellence, quality and innovation in the performance of the staff appointed to take on the responsibility of managing municipalities and communes,’ the minister said.

The European Union ambassador to Angola, Rosário Bento Pais, on his turn said that her institution will continue to contribute to a more inclusive society in terms of participatory governance and focusing on the most disadvantaged groups, such as women and young people.

Municipal administrators and senior technicians from the municipalities of Luanda, Huambo and Lunda Sul are taking part in the training, which runs until December 6, in person and by videoconference, as part of the new Political-Administrative Division. LDN/ART/DAN/AMP


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