Minister highlights Angolan President leadership in promoting peace in Africa

  • Luanda • Monday, 20 May de 2024 | 14h06
Ministro do MINTICS, Mário Oliveira
Ministro do MINTICS, Mário Oliveira
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - Luanda - The Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Mário de Oliveira, said on Monday that the fact that President João Lourenço assumes continental leadership in the field of promoting peace and reconciliation in Africa should fill all Angolans with pride.

The minister was speaking at the opening of the eighth thematic session on João Lourenço, the Champion of the African Union for Peace and Reconciliation in Africa: Contribution to the Building of an Integrated, Stable and Prosperous Continent", which had as speaker the ambassador of Angola to Ethiopia and permanent representative at the AU, Miguel César Bembe.

He highlighted that President João Lourenço's mission as Champion of the African Union for Peace and Reconciliation in Africa requires the engagement of different sectors of national life.

In this regard, he emphasized that Social Communication plays an active role in the process of dissemination, education, clarification and awareness of society in relation to the responsibilities of the Champion, "making it urgent, from this point of view, to provide training to journalists in all over the country”.

For him, President João Lourenço's distinction, awarded by the African Union, aims to encourage the consolidation of peace and social cohesion at national, regional and continental levels.

 He recognized that the award is the result of the efforts that Angola has been undertaking, with João Lourenço leading the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (CIRGL), in the search for peace, dialogue and stability in several countries on the African continent.

 "This is not a prize.

It is, rather, the task of a Herculean mission in favor of pacification, harmonization, stability, security and development in Africa", he maintained.

Mário de Oliveira clarified that, as Champion, the Angolan Head of State has the responsibility to lead the mobilization of political support and cooperation from Member States and galvanize international support so that greater priority is given to conflict prevention, management and resolution in Africa.

Among the Champion's tasks, he listed engagement in promoting increasingly participatory and inclusive forms of governance that contribute to the establishment of a culture of peace, complemented by full adherence to international principles and standards of human rights and the fight against corruption and to impunity in Africa.

In this regard, he highlighted the creation of the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence - Luanda Biennial, an international event organized by the Angolan Government, with the support of the AU and UNESCO, which serves as a global cooperation platform for the development of strategies to prevent violence and conflicts.

The event also serves to disseminate initiatives and good practices, leading to the realization of peace and sustainable development in Africa.

The Luanda Biennial, which takes place every two years in the Angolan capital, aims to establish a multilateral partnership between governments, civil society, the artistic and scientific community, the private sector and international organizations, to promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts, encouraging cultural exchange on the continent and dialogue between generations.

Respect in the context of Nations Minister Mário de Oliveira pointed out that, in terms of conflict resolution and national reconciliation, Angola is an admired and respected country in the context of Nations due to the success of its peace and national reconstruction process, which created an environment of inclusion and democratic participation of its citizens.

The designation of Champion for Peace and Reconciliation in Africa, attributed to President João Lourenço, occurred during the Extraordinary Summit on Terrorism and Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa, held in May 2022, in Malabo, capital of Equatorial Guinea.

The thematic session, held at the Aníbal de Melo Press Center, was attended by those responsible for the Social Communication bodies, political analysts, diplomats, university students, journalists, representatives of civil society, among others. DC/ART/TED/DOJ


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