Luísa Damião on importance of everyone's involvement in fight against corruption

  • Luanda • Thursday, 22 September de 2022 | 19h11
Vice President of  MPLA, Luísa Damião.
Vice President of MPLA, Luísa Damião.
Walter dos Reis

Maputo - The Vice-President of the MPLA party, Luísa Damião, highlighted this Thursday in Maputo, Mozambique, the importance of everyone's involvement in actions to fight corruption, which has become increasingly one more fact.

The MPLA official was speaking to journalists after her arrival in the Mozambican capital, where she will participate in the 12th FRELIMO Congress, which starts on Friday (23), stressing that everyone should embrace these efforts because corruption destroys economies and the social fabric of countries. "We think that in Angola people have already become aware that we should all embrace this fight, as this is a bad practice", she said.


Luísa Damião also mentioned that her party will keep the topic on its work agenda, which should involve the whole

On the other hand, she said that her presence in Maputo also serves to reinforce the exchange of experiences between the two parties. "We are here to witness this great event of our Mozambican brothers", she said.


Conceira Sortane, a member of the FRELIMO Political Commission, said that in relation to the fight against corruption, in Mozambique, great strides have been taken, towards the improvement of justice administration and allowing a greater and better development of the entire territory. "If we all get involved it’ll work, now we need to act with concrete actions", she stressed.

She took the opportunity to congratulate the MPLA for its victory in the elections on August 24 this year, adding that FRELIMO is honoured by the presence of Angolans in its Congress.


On Friday, at the opening of the Congress, about 2,000 people are expected to attend, between 1,000 and 500 delegates and 500 guests.


During the Conclave, which will bring together delegates from the provinces of Cabo Delegado, Gaza, Inhambane, Manica, Maputo (city), Nampula, Niassa, Sofala, Tete and Zambézia, the renewal of the internal bodies, Political Commission and Central Committee will be discussed, with a view to the 2024 general elections.


In addition to the MPLA, among the invited parties, the ANC (South Africa), Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Tanzania), PCP and PS, from Portugal, as well as the Communist party from China, stand out.

FRELIMO (Mozambique Liberation Front) was founded on June 25, 1962 in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania.


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