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Law on smuggling of petroleum products goes to final vote

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 24 January de 2024 | 20h06
Plenária da Assembleia Nacional
Plenária da Assembleia Nacional
Francisco Miúdo-ANGOP

Luanda - The Plenary of the National Assembly (AN) will proceed, on Thursday, to the final global vote on the Bills on Insurance Mediation and Combating the Smuggling of Petroleum Products.

The agenda of this ordinary plenary meeting also includes the discussion and vote, in general, on the Proposed National Security Law.

The AN Plenary will also discuss and vote on Draft Resolutions, for ratification, of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocols on Fisheries and Health, among others.

Before the agenda, the leaders of the Parliamentary Groups will read their quarterly political statements.

Regarding internal issues, the Plenary will discuss and vote on the Draft Resolution that approves the Parliament's Budget for the 2024 Economic Year, as well as the Draft Resolution that changes the Name of the 10th Specialized Working Committee of the AN. DC/VC/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...