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Angola attends the opening of the judicial year of the African Court 2025

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  • Luanda • Monday, 03 February de 2025 | 11h17
Symbol of Justice
Symbol of Justice
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - The Angolan justice participates today, Monday, in the opening of the Judicial Year 2025, of the Plenary of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights taking place in the city of Arusha, Republic of Tanzania.

According to a note to which ANGOP had access this Monday, the Honorable Judge, Adelino Fernando Costa Muhongo, President of the Administrative Court of SADC-SADCAT, was invited to the event.

In this context, it is the first time that an Angolan exercises and presides over a judicial body in the SADC Region and it is also the first time that an Angolan magistrate is present at the Opening of the Judicial Year, at the seminar and in the plenary of the largest judicial court on the African continent.

The invitation reflects the recognition of the Angolan judicial system and raises the prestige of the country's justice in the international context, in addition to refusing the recognition of the Judge, Adelino Fernando Costa Muhongo, currently placed in the Judicial Province of Luanda.

The meeting, scheduled to end on February 5, 2025, also includes a seminar on 'Doing Justice to Women through the Right to Reparations'.

The solemn ceremony and seminar will be attended by representatives of African Union member states, international, regional and national courts, and African Union bodies with a mandate on human rights.

It will also have the participation of national human rights institutions, legal professionals and representatives of the Bar Association, as well as civil society organizations and other entities involved in the work of the courts and the protection of human rights on the continent. ANM/MAG/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...