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João Lourenço meets with Joe Biden

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 03 December de 2024 | 00h00
Flags of Republic of Angola and the United States
Flags of Republic of Angola and the United States
António Escrivão

Luanda - Angolan President João Lourenço will meet Tuesday in Luanda with his US counterpart Joe Biden, who is on a three-day state visit to the country to consolidate the strategic partnership.

The 'face-to-face' between the two Heads of State will take place at the Presidential Palace of Cidade Alta, in Luanda, with the strategy of bilateral cooperation relations at the center of the agenda.

At this meeting, the two Presidents will have the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of existing agreements and to outline new areas of investment, involving the private sector.

The President of the United States arrived in Luanda Monday afternoon, at the invitation of his Angolan counterpart, João Lourenço. This is the first state visit by a US President to Angola.

The visit of the US President recognizes Angola's role as a regional leader and reaffirms the true transformation of the relationship between the United States of America and the Republic of Angola.

The two countries work together to address critical challenges, such as improving infrastructure in Africa and enhancing economic opportunities and sustainable development on the continent.

The expansion of technologies and scientific cooperation, the strengthening of peace and security, and the strengthening of food security are also other priorities defined by the two countries in their strategic relationship.

Joe Biden's state visit to Angola is attracting great international attention, with more than 180 foreign journalists following the event.

Later on, Tuesday, Joe Biden will visit the Museum of Slavery, where he will deliver a speech to highlight the enduring strength and relevance of U.S. relations with Angola and Africa in general, and in addressing a wide range of global challenges.

Located at Morro da Cruz, in Luanda, the National Museum of Slavery is an important cultural heritage of Angola that is dedicated to the preservation of the collective memory of the 500 years of slavery to which Angolans were subjected.

On Wednesday, the American statesman will travel to the province of Benguela, where he will learn about the food processing factory of the Grupo Carrinho, as well as visit the Port of Lobito, which is an important infrastructure of the Lobito Corridor.

Founded on March 24, 1928, the Port of Lobito is one of the largest seaport compounds in the country.

President Joe Biden's agenda in Benguela also includes participation in the Angola-US Business Forum, where he is expected to announce several memorandums in the health, trade and food security sectors.

After participating in this last activity, President Joe Biden will depart from Catumbela International Airport, aboard 'Air Force One', bound for Sal Island (Cape Verde) and later return to the USA.

Bilateral Relations

Angola and the US are strategic partners, with political-diplomatic and cooperation relations that have seen a remarkable increase for 30 years, leading to the signing of several legal instruments in the social, commercial and business fields.

In 2023, trade between the U.S. and Angola totaled approximately $1.77 billion, making Angola US's fourth-largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa.

Angola and the United States established formal diplomatic relations in 1993.DC/ART/DOJ

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