MPLA defends rapid recognition of Palestine

  • Luanda • Saturday, 20 April de 2024 | 16h43

Luanda - The president of the ruling MPLA party, João Lourenço, reaffirmed Friday, in Luanda, his support for the recognition of Palestine, as soon as possible, as the only way to put an end to the conflict in the Middle East.

To João Lourenço, who was speaking at the opening of a meeting of his party's Central Committee, the longer it takes to create and recognize the State of Palestine “the greater the suffering will be on both sides, on both peoples”.

He, therefore, considered that the solution of two sovereign states (Israel and Palestine), living peacefully side by side, is the only viable and recommended solution for peace in the Middle East.

The Angolan Head of State also said he feared that the conflict could escalate throughout the region at any time if nothing is done, which is why he advised Israel and Iran to exercise maximum restraint.

On the other hand, João Lourenço once again condemned the invasion and annexation of Ukrainian territories by Russia for constituting a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and International Law in general, “calling into question” the healthy coexistence between nations and “the peace achieved with sacrifice for the Allied forces in defeating Nazism in 1945.”

He stated that the moment requires wisdom and courage on the part of world leaders, international organizations and the United Nations, to put a definitive end to different conflicts and truly contribute to world peace and security.

The world is experiencing threats due, on the one hand, to quick and growing climate change, and, on the other, to ongoing conflicts in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, he said.

The Israeli offensive against Gaza, launched in response to an unprecedented attack by the Palestinian Islamist movement on Israeli territory on October 7, has already claimed around 34,000 lives, destroyed most of the civilian infrastructure, and caused one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world.

JFS/IZ /CF/jmc


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