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Portuguese Government expresses sorrow over dos Santos' death

  • Luanda • Friday, 08 July de 2022 | 21h54
Former President, José Eduardo dos Santos
Former President, José Eduardo dos Santos

Luanda - The Portuguese government on Friday mourned the death of Angola's former president, José Eduardo dos Santos

In a message of condolence, the Portuguese government noted that during his presidency Angola had followed a path of growth and consolidation, including on the international scene and in the Portuguese-speaking countries, whilst at the same time continuing to strengthen ties between Portugal and Angola.

The former Angolan president died on Friday in Spain at the age of 79, of illness.

José Eduardo dos Santos came to power in September 1979, following the death of Angola's first president, António Agostinho Neto.

He held the office of President of the Republic for 38 years, until September 2017, when he was succeeded by the current Head of State, João Lourenço.

Besides being President of the Republic, he was Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) and President of the MPLA, the party that has ruled the country since the proclamation of national independence. on 11 November 1975.

His political record also includes the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs and other positions in the State and in MPLA.

He led the process that culminated with the signing of the Peace Accords, on the 4th April 2002, following the death of the then UNITA founding leader, Jonas Savimbi.

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