Government available for evacuation of Angolans in Sudan

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 25 April de 2023 | 22h38
Angolan Foreign Affairs Ministry building, Luanda
Angolan Foreign Affairs Ministry building, Luanda

Luanda - The Angolan government expressed on Tuesday, in Luanda, availability for the evacuation of Angolan citizens in Sudanese territory, due to the rise of armed conflict in that African country.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which ANGOP has had Access to, the government “follows with great concern the deterioration of the political and security situation in the Republic of Sudan”, due to the fighting that restarted on the 15th of this month.

The government said that five Angolan citizens who were studying in Khartoum, capital of Sudan, are heading towards the land border between Sudan and Ethiopia, specifically in the locality of Gallabat/Metema, in the regional state of Amhara.

The document states that five other Angolan citizens are on their way to Egypt, in an evacuation process coordinated with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) of South Africa.

It stresses that the necessary steps are being taken for the Angolan diplomatic missions in Cairo, Egypt and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to continue the voluntary evacuation of those citizens to Luanda capital province.

Considering the above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made available to other nationals on Sudanese territory the telephone terminals (+251) 978-84-38-35 and (+251) 965-59-70-71 of the Embassy of Angola in Ethiopia.

The conflict opposing the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Paramilitary Group of the Rapid Intervention Forces (RSF) has caused the largest increase of refugees, thus aggravating the humanitarian situation in the region.

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