Caxito - The good academic and technical preparation of the staff of the National Police (PN) ensures the maintenance of public order and tranquillity throughout the country, said the Governor of Bengo Province, Maria Antónia Nelumba, in Caxito on Friday.
Speaking at the PN's provincial celebration on 28 February, the governor stressed that in order to maintain good practice, it is necessary to continue investing in training to make staff better prepared.
Maria Antónia Nelumba, congratulated the National Police on its 49th anniversary and considered it an instrument of State power for the maintenance of public order and tranquillity.
In Bengo, the 49th anniversary of the National Police was marked by the conferring of ranks on 91 police officers, including junior officers, sub-chiefs and agents, the presentation of certificates of merit, honourable mentions and the national championship cup of the anniversary tournament.