Provincial Governor defends strict fight against cross-border crimes

  • Luanda • Thursday, 16 May de 2024 | 10h54
Governadora provincial do Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa
Governadora provincial do Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP

Ondjiva - The governor of the southern province of Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa, Wednesday in Ondjiva defended the need for police bodies to reinforce the fight against fuel smuggling, illegal immigration and cattle theft along the border between Angola and Namibia.

The governor made these considerations at the presentation and handover ceremony of the new Commander of the National Police in Cunene, Commissioner Alberto Mutunga.

Gerdina Didalelwa said that the province has a border with difficult characteristics, susceptible to cross-border crimes, so combating it must be among the new commander's priorities.

The Province of Cunene shares 460 kilometers, 340 land and 120 river borders with the Republic of Namibia.

“Alberto Mutunga previously served as second-in-command of the police, he has a great command of the province’s culture, where cattle constitute the main wealth of families and due to their value they must be well protected”, he stated.

He explained that in recent years the phenomenon of cattle theft and theft in the region has been worrying the authorities, which is why the fight against it must be resolved so that the population can preserve its economy.

During the first quarter of this year, the National Police in Cunene registered the theft of 289 heads of cattle, including goats, pigs and sheep, of which 199 were recovered.

Furthermore, he informed that another issue in the region has to do with the high number of road accidents, a fact that requires joint work between the government, the police and other related bodies, in preventing and combating accidents.

To reverse the situation, he asked for greater dedication from police agencies, as the problem has claimed many lives, highlighting that from January to March this year, 94 road accidents occurred, resulting in 13 deaths and 114 injuries.

Gerdina Didalelwa said that the provincial government is willing to work with the police to provide the necessary support, aiming for the community's well-being.

On the other hand, he highlighted the qualities of the outgoing commander, Chief Commissioner Simão Ribeiro, encouraging him to continue working hard in his new position.

Commissioner Alberto Mutunga replaced Chief Commissioner António Leitão, who will serve as commander of the Strategic Objectives Security Police, a body focused on ensuring the protection and security of infrastructures in the country.

The province of Cunene has 1,017,491 inhabitants, distributed across the municipalities of Cuanhama, Namacunde, Ombadja, Cuvelai, Curoca and Cahama.


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