Governor discusses Bié's development challenges with political parties

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 31 July de 2024 | 18h07
Governadora do Bié, Celeste Adolfo
Governadora do Bié, Celeste Adolfo

Cuito - The governor of central Bié province, Celeste Adolfo, met today, Wednesday, with representatives of the political parties that sit in Parliament, to discuss, among other issues, the development challenges facing the province.

The meeting, the first she has held with a social segment, 17 days after her presentation as governor of the province, was aimed at strengthening institutional relations between the local government and party institutions, in the search for solutions for the continued promotion of socio-economic development in the region, located in the centre of Angola.

It was attended by representatives of the MPLA, UNITA, FNLA and Humanist Party.

UNITA's provincial secretary for municipalities in Bié, Ricardo Chamanga Cassima, considered the meeting positive, given the relevance of the issues discussed.

He said he had expressed his party's intention to present its agenda of activities in the next few days, to be reconciled with government activity, with a view to strengthening the region's development strategy.

In his opinion, the province will only do well if the political parties, both those supporting the government and those in opposition, are in sync.

He pointed to the high levels of poverty and hunger in the province as the situation that most worries his party and which constitutes the current governor's main challenge.

However, he said that the problem could be overcome if there was unity.

Accordingly, he reaffirmed UNITA's commitment to providing full support to the government, emphasising unity and joint efforts to work in favour of the Bié population, to improve their social well-being.

In turn, the provincial secretary of the FNLA in Bié, António Muhongo, stressed the dialogue defended during the meeting, in order to avoid political intolerance in the region.

António Muhongo also defended the commitment to agriculture as a fundamental factor in the socio-economic development of any country.

"We need to encourage the population, especially young people, to take up farming in order to alleviate the shortage of food and employability, with a view to combating hunger and poverty," he emphasised.

The governor then received the provincial deputies, with whom she discussed institutional relations between the local administration and the representatives of the legislature.

Speaking to the press at the end of the meeting, the coordinator of the provincial circle, Anastácio Sambowe, reiterated the commitment of its members, as representatives of the people, to continue to advocate the problems of citizens, through visits to verify and monitor the actions of the government.

"We will continue to listen to citizens and establish close cooperation with the government so that, within the available resources, solutions can be found to address many of the problems that citizens still face," he assured. VKY/PLB/DAN/DOJ


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