Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Governor wants explored resources for residents’ benefi

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 09 July de 2024 | 14h58
Manuel Quilende (adm.) e Nuno Mahapi (gov.)
Manuel Quilende (adm.) e Nuno Mahapi (gov.)

Matala - The governor of the central Huíla province, Nuno Mahapi on Tuesday, urged the new administrator of Matala, Manuel Machado Quilende, to combine energy and water potential to promote a more sustainable future for the municipality.

Speaking at the administrator’s inauguration, the governor underscored the need to make strategic use of the hydroelectric dam and the local irrigation canal, where there are perfect conditions to develop a prosperous and sustainable future.

These two resources, according to the governor, stand out and make the municipality an example of resilience, which "with strategic planning and well-targeted investment can turn it into a good place to live.

"I have full confidence in your leadership skills, commitment to development and dedication to serving the people, because the municipality of Matala has extraordinary economic potential, driven by the strength of its people, who are vibrant and dynamic," said the governor.MS/TED/AMP


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...