Global Fund to provide 126 million dollars to fight diseases in Angola

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 21 November de 2023 | 17h04
National Assembly
National Assembly
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda – Global Fund is to provide a funding of 126 million dollars to combat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis and malaria in the Provinces of Benguela, Bié and Cuanza Sul, informed this Tuesday the chairwoman of the Global Fund's National Coordination Mechanism, Ana Ruth Luís.

The representative of the philanthropic organisation said this at the end of a meeting she had with the first Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, Américo Cuononoca.

She clarified that the fund is to ensure action to combat HIV, tuberculosis and malaria from July 2024 to July 2027, adding that the strategy is for everything linked to HIV, malaria and tuberculosis to be financed in full by the Global Fund, without any contribution from the Angolan state.

Ana Ruth Luís said that the programme includes treatment, information, equipment and all the actions to fight the mentioned diseases and without stating data she made a positive balance on the actions developed in the Provinces of Cuanza Sul and Benguela, in the Framework of the USD 86 million fund undercourse since 2021 which is foreseen to be completed next year.

Ana Ruth Luís said that the programme includes treatment, information, equipment and all the actions to combat the diseases mentioned and, without giving any figures, she made a positive assessment of the actions carried out in the provinces of Cuanza Sul and Benguela, within the framework of the 86 million dollar fund that has been underway since 2021 and which is expected to be completed next year.

She informed that her organization also supported the Covid-19 fight and prevention programme in Luanda and other provinces in the supply of hospital oxygen.

The Global Fund's senior manager for Southern Africa and the Middle East, Joshua Galjour, praised the decision to extend the programme to the province of Bié.

He said that the programme has priorities that take into account the national strategic plans established by governments.

Joshua Galjour revealed that the amount approved, which is 126 million euros, should guarantee support for the diagnosis, treatment and care of people with HIV, malaria and tuberculosis at the level of health centres and communities.

He expressed his happiness with the level of commitment shown by local authorities in the fight against these diseases.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is an international financial organization that aims to attract and distribute additional resources to prevent and treat these diseases.

The institution was founded on 22 January 2002 in Geneva, Switzerland.


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