National Security Draft Law mindful to the international situation

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 07 August de 2024 | 23h24
Ministro de Estado e chefe da Casa Militar do Presidente da República, Francisco Furtado
Ministro de Estado e chefe da Casa Militar do Presidente da República, Francisco Furtado
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - The Minister of State and Head of the Military House of the Presidency of the Republic, Francisco Pereira Furtado, on Wednesday requested the attention of the Members of the Parliament, during the approval of the National Security Draft Law, due to the ongoing international situation.

When clarifying the parliamentarians, in the session of approval of the bill in the specialty, he highlighted as an example what is happening in Africa, the war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the situation in the Middle East, which draw attention to the need to provide for complete security and not just territorial security of the country.

The Executive's proposal, according to Francisco Pereira Furtado, is comprehensive from the point of view of all aspects of national security, such as cyber, space and others that constitute latent risks and threats to national security.

'For this reason, we think that we must agree with some aspects raised in the debate, that it is enough to consult the Constitution, they are already mentioned and we adapt', he urged.

He stressed that the proposed diploma does not only cover the security of the State, but brings a broad notion of the concept, such as the security of the human being, food, environmental, as well as the ability of man to live in freedom, peace, tranquility and provoke the sustainable development of the country.

The bill, with six chapters, an equal number of sections and 46 articles, will go soon to the final vote in generality. LDN/ART/DOJ

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