Luanda - The Angolan Navy (MGA) and its French counterpart are holding a series of military exercises called 'Megalops' on Tuesday in the Gulf of Guinea region, with a view to improving cooperation and the fight against river pollution.
The information was given on Monday in Luanda by the commander of the French patrol vessel 'Commandant Birot', Aurélien De Gouve, in statements to the press.
Aurélien De Gouve said that these actions are aimed at strengthening the fight against illegal fishing and maritime piracy.
He also added that the exercises, based on various maritime operations, will make it possible to standardize the performance and effectiveness of the two naval forces.
Also on Monday, the French military offered security material to the Association of Artisanal, Semi-Industrial and Industrial Fishing of Luanda (APASIL).
It consists of a first aid kit, buoys, light that allows visibility to the person in need of rescue and a sound system that has the purpose of alerting.
Aurélien De Gouve recalled that the French navy is open to support any need of its Angolan counterpart and stressed that the relationship between the two is 'very good'.
The ship 'Commandat Birot' will remain in the Angolan capital until June 21 of this year.
During this period, several sporting events will be held, including a football match with the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).
It will also be possible to create an opportunity for the Birot team to discover the numerous sites of Angola, as well as to make visits to areas of tourist interest in the surroundings of Luanda.
This stopover is an important moment of sharing and camaraderie, which testifies to the dynamism and quality of cooperation and exchange activities between the armed forces of the two countries. AMC/SC/DOJ