Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

National Air Force needs renewal - Commander

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 12 February de 2025 | 19h12
National Airforce (FAN) helicopters
National Airforce (FAN) helicopters
Pedro Parente

Luanda – The commander of the National Air Force (FAN), General Virgínio Cunha Pinto, defended, on Wednesday, in Luanda, the need for that institution's remodelling, with emphasis on human resources and military equipment.

The general highlighted, at the end of the FAN's annual review meeting, the need for rejuvenation as a resource to guarantee the continuity of this branch of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).

“We need to renew our structures, not only with material resources, but also on human capital”, he maintained.

He recalled that the world is going through an uncertain phase, with diffuse and complex military scenarios, requiring greater professionalization of the defenders of the Angolan homeland.

He warned that it is not enough to gather and analyze the degree of activities fulfilment, a final effort is needed to materialize programs and solve issues.

The 21st meeting took place on the 11th and 12th of the current month under the motto “With Confidence in the Future, United to Win” and was led by Commander Virgínio Cunha Pinto.

It served to analyze the activities carried out by the FAN during the 2024/25 Military Training Year and to envision the main lines of action that will guide the activities of the 2025/26 Instruction Period.

The opening session was chaired by the aviation general, Altino Carlos José dos Santos, FAA's Chief of the General Staff.



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