Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

FNLA recommends dialogue to solve political problems

  • Luanda • Friday, 12 May de 2023 | 19h58
Flag of the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA)
Flag of the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA)

Viana - The Politburo of the opposition FNLA party recommended Friday in Luanda a permanent dialogue among the Government, trade unions and civil society to address the main political issues.

This was at the Third Ordinary Session of the party’s Politburo, held in municipality of Viana, Luanda, during which, the members condemned the threats and damage caused to the properties belonging the trade unions in the country.


In its final communiqué, this political organisation stated that the threats and damage to the properties of the unions do not contribute to building of a rule of law, based on the Constitution and the compliance with the law.


FNLA also expressed concern about the armed conflict ravaging Sudan and the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), having recommended dialogue to end the hostilities.


Addressing an opening ceremony, FNLA President, Nimi A Simbi, said that since the last meeting of the party's Political Bureau many actions have been taken to strengthen the internal democracy of the FNLA, with emphasis on the municipal assemblies.




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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...