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Army sets training in military technology as priority

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  • Luanda • Friday, 21 July de 2023 | 15h09
Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) celebrate 32nd anniversary.
Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) celebrate 32nd anniversary.
Zeferino Zinga-ANGOP

Huambo - The Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General António José de Sousa Queiroz Friday mentioned the training of troops in the fields of military technology as one of the challenges, ahead of the world events.

The general officer was speaking at the end of the 21st Drivers course, in Chipipa commune, central Huambo province.

He said that the training in the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) is a dynamic activity that the military bodies intend to follow, taking into account the complexity of the military art

According to the military official, as time goes by, there is a tendency for the great military powers to increase their military technology, stressing the need for FAA to keep up with these challenges in an increasingly globalised world.

He said in addition to defending territorial integrity, the Army should also focus on the training and improvement of the staff, under the guidelines of the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), João Lourenço.

Lieutenant General António José de Sousa Queiroz said that the 21st Drivers course aimed to achieve good disciplinary conduct, moral and physical resistance, apart from instilling knowledge of driving service vehicles.

The training was attended by 283 members from the three branches of the Angolan Armed Forces.

They are the Army, the National Air Force and the Navy. ZZN/ALH/NIC

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