Angolan Executive reports surplus in 2023 General Account

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 18 September de 2024 | 20h45
Ministra das Finanças, Vera Daves
Ministra das Finanças, Vera Daves
Pedro Parente-ang

Luanda - The minister of Finance, Vera Daves, reported on Wednesday, in Luanda, that the Angolan Executive closed the 2023-General State Account with revenues of AKz 20.33 billion (US$21.82 million), expenses of AKz 20.10 billion (US$21.48 million) and a nominal surplus of 235.57 billion kwanzas (US$ 252.27 million).

When speaking to the press at the end of the 3rd extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet Council, the Finance minister explained that the State’s General Account is a document that has information about the different sovereign bodies, central and local administration of the State.

She informed also having data of public institutions and funds, and a summary of the performance of the public entrepreneurial sector.

The meeting, which took place under the guidance of the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, focused only on a single topic, the 2023 State Account.

Vera Daves explained that the document also contains information about the operational subsidies in prices that were paid, a balance of the public procurement procedures that were carried out and also about the inspection activity that was carried out in the aformentioned period.

She added that there is also an annex that takes stock of the execution of the public investment program and the social impact of the expenditure, as well as recommendations that arise from both the Court of Auditors' opinion and the recommendations that result from the resolutions of the National Assembly.

The Finance chief highlighted that in the specific case of the 2023 General State Account, it was worked on based on the recommendations of the Court of Auditors.

“It is a process of continuous improvement, from the moment it is approved by the Council of Ministers, it becomes available to society through the Ministry of Finance website, in a "draft" version and as soon as it is appreciated, approved and voted on in the National Assembly it will be available in a definitive version”, Vera Daves explained.

For the minister, this exercise is a process of transparency that the Executive submits and reports on.

The Council of Ministers is the Collegial Body that assists the President of the Republic, as Holder of Executive Power, in formulating and conducting the general policy of the country and the Public Administration.

Ordinary sessions take place in the last week of each month, while extraordinary sessions are held whenever called by the President of the Republic.


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