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Govt honors figures for their contribution to independence

  • Luanda • Thursday, 28 November de 2024 | 13h48
Presidente da República orienta a 11° Sessão Ordinária do Conselho de Ministros
Presidente da República orienta a 11° Sessão Ordinária do Conselho de Ministros
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - The Cabinet Council on Thursday considered the bill that creates the Commemorative Medal for the 50th anniversary of National Independence to honor figures that contributed to the achievement of this feat, its preservation and the development of the country.

On November 11, 2025, Angola will celebrate its 50th anniversary of national independence, with public and private, national and foreign figures expected to be awarded.

During its 11th Ordinary Session chaired by president João Lourenço, the Cabinet considered  for submission to the National Assembly, the Draft Law on Clinical and Biomedical Research, a piece of legislation that provides a better legal framework and ensures the production of health knowledge, with a view to guaranteeing citizens' right to health.

Essentially, this draft law aims to guarantee the protection of people involved in clinical research, contribute to scientific and technological development in the health area, facilitate the population's access to the benefits arising from the advancement of knowledge and facilitate the implementation of the pharmaceutical industry in Angola.

The agenda also included the analysis, within the scope of the State Reform, of the draft Presidential Decree that establishes the regime applicable to the single fee to be charged in licensing processes for the exercise of industrial and commercial activity.

With the approval of the decree in question, the government says it intends to establish a single fee for industrial and commercial licensing which, in general, includes the inspection and the issuing of the license, with a view to simplifying the procedure and materializing the principle of a single contact, making life easier for economic operators.

The Cabinet also analyzed the draft Regulation on the Evaluation of the Performance of Scientific Researchers, which establishes the rules and procedures to be followed in performance evaluation of scientific researchers linked to the institutions of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System.

The instrument ensures compliance with one of the prerequisites for progression in the Scientific Researcher Career, as well as the distinction of merit through professional performance.

Social protection in the event of absolute invalidity

As regards to the Public Administration, Labor and Social Security sector, it considered the draft Presidential Decree approving the Legal Regime for Social Protection in Absolute Invalidity, a statute that enshrines the granting of a monthly cash benefit called the “Absolute Invalidity Pension”.

The pension is intended for those who, under the general and special social security schemes, have totally lost their income from work due to absolute invalidity.

Absolute invalidity is considered to be any incapacitating situation caused by a non-professional cause that results in total and permanent physical, sensory or mental incapacity for any profession or work, duly certified by a competent authority.

Still within the framework of public administration, it analyzed the draft Presidential Decree that creates the Disability Assessment and Verification Service (SAVI) and approves its Regulations.

SAVI is a specialized body of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), whose main mission is to verify and confirm disabilities, in order to allow access to social benefits.

National Disability Table

The Cabinet assessed the draft Presidential Decree that approves the National Table of Disabilities, a diploma that defines the medical criteria for the assessment of disabled people, thus avoiding randomness in determining temporary or permanent, partial or absolute disabilities, with emphasis on absolute permanent disability that gives access to social disability benefits, within the scope of the Mandatory Social Protection System.

Foreign policy

Finally, within the framework of foreign policy, the Council of Ministers assessed the draft Resolution approving the Accession of the Republic of Angola to the Ibero-American Social Security Organization and the Agreement on the Transfer of Persons Sentenced to Deprivation of Liberty between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Zimbabwe.

It also analyzed the draft Resolution that approves the Extradition Agreement between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Zimbabwe, the Draft Resolution that approves the Cooperation Protocol between the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) of the Republic of Angola and the Security Authority Food and Economic Affairs (ASAE) of the Portuguese Republic, Draft Presidential Decree approving the General Framework Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Angola and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar.

The list also includes the draft Presidential Decree that approves the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Angola and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar, on Visa Exemption for Holders of Diplomatic and Service Passports, the Draft Presidential Decree that approves the Agreement that creates the Bilateral Commission between the Government of the Republic of Angola and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar, the Draft Presidential Decree that approves the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Angola and the Oman Fund.

Also the Draft Presidential Decree approving the Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security of Angola (MAPTSS) and the Ministry of Modernization of the State and Public Administration of Cape Verde (MMEAP), the Draft Presidential Decree approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute for Research and Prevention of Transport Accidents of Angola (INIPAT) and the Civil Aviation Institute of Mozambique (IACM) and the Draft Presidential Decree approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute for Research and Prevention of Transport Accidents of Angola (INIPAT) and the Institute for the Prevention of Aeronautical and Maritime Accidents of the Republic of Cape Verde (IPIAAM). ART/TED/AMP


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...