Country's debt strategy is public - Minister of State

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 13 December de 2023 | 13h24
Ministro de Estado para a Coordenação Económica, José de Lima Massano
Ministro de Estado para a Coordenação Económica, José de Lima Massano
Francisco Miúdo-ANGOP

Luanda - The Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano, said on Wednesday in Luanda that the country's Debt Strategy in the medium and long term is a public document available on the institutional website of the Ministry of Finance.

The minister was responding, exceptionally, to the UNITA parliamentary group, which requested a preliminary item, before the agenda of the II Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of the National Assembly (AN), which approved the 2024 State Budget Proposal, to obtain clarifications on the subject from the assistants of the Head of the Executive Power.

“Following the opportunity to share during all the debate sessions and specialty committees, which led to the preparation of the document that is submitted today to the final global vote, we were able to convey that in relation to the Medium-Term Indebtedness Strategy it is a public document that takes us to the year 2024”, he said.

He stated that the Annual Indebtedness Plan of this document will be prepared as soon as the budget is approved and published.

“Therefore, soon after, we will be able to adopt the same approval, also making public this annual debt plan”, José Massano stressed

As part of the approval, in general, of the 2024 State Budget Proposal, on November 14, the National Assembly unanimously approved UNITA's request to the Executive for the General Strategy for the Country's Indebtedness in the Medium and Long Term.

The leader of the UNITA parliamentary group, Liberty Chiaka, understands that the Members of the Parliament approved this request “because we are convinced that the sovereign people of Angola need to know how much money Angola owes, to whom it owes and what the interest rate is”. DC/VIC/DOJ


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