Corruption prevention improves business environment in the country

  • Luanda • Saturday, 10 August de 2024 | 09h59
Encontro de apresentação do Enaprec, na Huíla
Encontro de apresentação do Enaprec, na Huíla
Amélia Oliveira - ANGOP

Lubango - The public prosecutor Hermenegildo Nicolau said Friday in Lubango that National Strategy for the Prevention and Repression of Corruption (ENAPREC) for the period 2024-2027 will improve the business environment in the country.

The strategy involves short, medium and long-term actions, and in the first, administrations will be able to develop a code of conduct, there is an obligation to give lectures to the entire community about the harms of corruption and how it goes obstructing the country's development, as well as the availability of an extensive reporting channel for corruption situations.

Other short-term actions include multisectoral analyzes to understand areas of greatest risk and develop a control mechanism, while medium and long-term actions include the digitalization of administration, progressive supervision and others, being two stages that require financial effort.

The official who is an advisor to the deputy public prosecutor, Inocência Gonçalo Pinto, spoke during a lecture “Presentation and approach to ENAPREC”, aimed at public managers in the province, with emphasis on those in sectors that represent high risks of committing acts of corruption.

The Public Prosecutor stated that with ENAPREC, if it is possible to reduce levels of corruption and improve levels of perception, judge and punish as quickly as possible, and in this way recover assets, the business environment and the country will improve. will attract more financing.

“With more financing we were able to develop and capitalize our economy, increase the income of ordinary citizens, but corruption has harmed all of this, and the strategy proposes a set of measures for the administration in general to be able to carry out sectoral studies and understand the level of each region, the most prone areas and develop measures to repress”, he stated.

Hermenegildo Nicolau declared that ENAPREC is based on the basis that corruption is a “widely” widespread problem in Angolan society and has created economic obstacles and obstacles to the development of the community and, consequently, puts the future of future generations at risk.

He highlighted that it was the basis for the elaboration of the strategy, which was to seek to have a “holistic” view of the problem, identifying the main areas where the problems have greater incidence, which is in public administration and looking for solutions, or the policies most adjusted to the anti-corruption actions.

He highlighted that they wait for managers to start developing the planned actions, taking into account that the final recipient of ENAPREC is the citizen, to serve well and ensure that they feel comfortable, so that they know how to take advantage and create synergies with public institutions, in order to reverse the trend of the proliferation of corruption.

In turn, the governor of Huíla, Nuno Mahapi, highlighted the importance of creating ENAPREC and the ongoing work with it to have a healthier and “good” country for everyone.

He stated that there are results at the country level in terms of asset recovery and to have a more favorable business environment, it would be beneficial if the province gave more control over the assets recovered in the Huila territory as they are in degradation and almost abandoned, structures that should generate more revenue for the citizen.

He also defended the need to focus more on the assets that the country recovered, as the success of corruption despite having people in prison, the economic benefit for the country could be more visible.

The National Strategy for the Prevention and Repression of Corruption (ENAPREC) was approved by Presidential Decree number 169/24 of 19 July, with the purpose of preventing, detaining and reprimanding corruption and related crime.

The idea is to reduce levels of corruption and increase citizens' trust in public institutions and beyond. EM/M/DOJ

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