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Ambassador reiterates work to solve diaspora issues

  • Luanda • Monday, 04 March de 2024 | 09h25
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Passaportes por se levantar no SME podem caducar nos próximos dias
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Lisbon - The Ambassador of Angola to Portugal, Maria de Jesus Ferreira, reaffirmed, in Lisbon, the Government's commitment to working to resolve the documentation problems of Angolans in that country.

The diplomat reported that there are still citizens who lack Angolan documentation, but when they go to consular posts they are given the necessary information about their situation and what steps to follow to obtain documents.

Maria de Jesus Ferreira reacted, on Saturday, to the concerns of representatives of Angolan associations in the Diaspora and students, which have to do with the lack of documentation, legalization and accommodation in Portuguese territory, in a community consultation meeting.

She highlighted that the diplomatic representation has also provided assistance to students and patients when they request Angolan State facilities.

The General Consul of Angola in Lisbon, Vicência de Brito, clarified that the consulate has carried out campaigns so that citizens can process consular cards, ID cards and passports in various areas of Lisbon.

Regarding Angolans imprisoned in Lisbon, Vicência de Brito reported that the Angolan State has been working with the competent entities to resolve documentation problems that many face and that they have also helped with hygiene kits for them.

At the meeting, citizens stated that the number of Angolans has increased and they often arrive in Portugal without any guidance and face difficulties ranging from accommodation, lack of work and problems in their legalization.

The representative of the Quinta do Mocho association, Domingos Cipriano, said that in 2022 they controlled 437 Angolans. Many members residing in Portugal for more than 20 years still do not have any documents from Angola.

Maria Daio, from the Association of Angolans on Madeira Island, asked Angolan entities to visit that archipelago, as it has many job opportunities for Angolans and even to exchange exchanges with the Government.

On the other hand, student Aline da Conceição asked the Angolan Government to put into practice the policies created for young people, because they often rely on documents.

Speaking to the press, deputy Gonçalves Muandumba promised to take all concerns presented by his fellow citizens to the competent authorities.

More than 220 people from 45 Angolan associations and a delegation of current and former Angolan deputies took part in the meeting, led by Gonçalves Muandumba and João Martins, both from MPLA.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...