Inauguration: Constitutional Court commends civic attitude of Angolans

  • Luanda • Thursday, 15 September de 2022 | 12h03
Veneranda Juíza Conselheira Presidente do Tribunal Constitucional, Dra. Laurinda Jacinto Prazeres Cardoso
Veneranda Juíza Conselheira Presidente do Tribunal Constitucional, Dra. Laurinda Jacinto Prazeres Cardoso
Pedro Parente - ANGOP

Luanda – Angola’s Constitutional Court (TC) highlighted Thursday the civic, orderly attitude and the sense of citizenship of Angolans in the general elections of 24 August.

The recognition was expressed by TC presiding judge, Laurinda Cardoso, at the investiture ceremony of the elected President of the Republic, João Lourenço.

The event, held at Praça da República (Republic Square) in Luanda, which gathered more than 15,000 people, including invited Heads of State and Governments.

“It was, without a doubt, a moment of great joy in which we demonstrated our high level of political maturity as a people and as a true and cohesive national unity”, said Judge Laurinda Cardoso.

She recalled that Angola is an independent, democratic and lawful State that aims to build a free society based on peace, progress and social justice, whose political legitimacy is based on popular sovereignty.

According to the magistrate, the deepening of these values ​​that constitute the foundations of the Angolan State, lead to the periodic collective exercise of holding elections based on free, universal, equal, direct and secret vote.

To the President of the Republic, Laurinda Cardoso asked for a greater commitment to national unity, adding that all Angolans are children of the same, united and indivisible homeland.

Angola's general elections took place on the 24th of August.

The National Electoral Commission (CNE) released the final results of the election on the 29th, giving victory to the MPLA that had João Lourenço and Esperança Costa as candidates for President and Vice-President of the Republic, respectively.

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