Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Elections2022: Second Summary of the day

  • Luanda • Friday, 12 August de 2022 | 23h03
Flags of Angolan parties contesting in the August 24 polls
Flags of Angolan parties contesting in the August 24 polls
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda – Rallies and door-to-door campaigns marked Friday's electoral campaign carried out by the political parties contending for Angola’s fifth general elections scheduled for August 24.


The president of the Humanist Party of Angola (PHA) reiterated in Malanje the strengthening of the national public health system by expanding the health network in the country in case of victory in the general elections on August 24.


Florbela Malaquias made the promise during a mass rally aimed to present her party’s governance programme, stressing that the PHA’s intention is to reduce the number of  deaths of children and adults due to lack of medical assistance and medicines.



Eduardo Chingunji, president of this party affirmed that he will "elevate the name and the image" of Angola outside of the country, with "actions and projects of international impact".


"I believe that I will be the new President of Angola, and, when that happens, I will relaunch the country in the international arena and, consequently, raise more foreign investments for the well-being of the citizens", Chingunji said, during his party’s airtime on the public radio, stressing that he has the capacity to lead the country.



The secretary of the party’s youth wing (JURA) in Cunene province, Malaquias Pesse, defended an orderly posture from the supporters on voting day, so that the election takes place within the established norms.


In Waco Kungo, Cuanza Sul Province, the secretary of this political party, Armando Kaquepa, said that if his party wins the elections, it will invest in the construction and rehabilitation of roads in the province.



CASA-CE’s presidential candidate, Manuel Fernandes, said in Huambo that, in case of victory, he will translate the Constitution of the Republic into the national languages, "to increase the legal conscience of the population".


The politician made the statement during a rally in the informal market of Quissala, outskirts of  Huambo City, where he presented his party's governance programme for 2022-2027.



The head of the list (presidential candidate) of the National Patriotic Alliance (APN), Quintino Moreira, called on voters to flock to the polls to avoid excessive abstention, equal to or greater than in the 2017 general elections.


Speaking on the public radio (RNA) station, the politician argued that Angolans should vote, preferably, in his party as he considers it to be the ideal one to make changes and capable of solving citizens' problems, should it win the elections.



The presidential candidate, Benedito Daniel, promised in Uige City the construction of a national road network to connect the country, if he wins the elections.


The politician, who was speaking in a mass rally, argued that the road network will interconnect the national, provincial, primary, secondary and tertiary roads to provide social and economic development of the country.



The leader of the MPLA, João Lourenço, who is in Huila Province to lead his party’s campaign, visited Friday the Cattle Fair of Huíla, the biggest of the sector in Angola.


In his direct contact with the cattle ranchers, João Lourenço listened to the concerns of farmers and interacted openly with these professionals.


In Luanda, the first provincial secretary, Bento Bento, urged militants of the urban district of Zango to denounce any attempt of disorder that could jeopardize the peace environment on August 24.

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