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Elections 2022: MPLA defends common engagement in defence of peace

  • Luanda • Friday, 17 June de 2022 | 15h26
Primeira secretáriado MPLA no Huambo, Lotti Nolika
Primeira secretáriado MPLA no Huambo, Lotti Nolika
Zeferino Zinga

Marimba- The provincial secretary of the ruling MPLA, in Malanje, Norberto dos Santos "Kwata Kanawa", urged, Friday, the engagement of all Angolans in the defence of social peace, as an indispensable presupposition for the continuous resolution of the people's problems.

As the party that sustains the government, MPLA will remain firm in the defence of Angolans' interests and in the guarantee of their welfare, democracy and national independence, he said, during a mass political act in Marimba municipality, as part of the pre-election campaign.

He acknowledged the difficulties that Marimba municipality is facing, particularly the access roads, so the Central Government has already outlined an intervention plan to improve the circulation of people and goods and to allow the establishment of more social services, mainly schools and hospitals.

"The problems of Marimba are not forgotten", he assured, having then recalled the insertion of the referred project in the Integrated Plan of Intervention in the Municipalities (PIIM), but that did not register progress due to the non-compliance of the contractor, who will be held criminally accountable.

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...