Angolan diplomat highlights Southern Africa liberation sacrifice

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 21 August de 2024 | 20h15
Embaixador Angolano na Russia, Augusto da Silva Cunha
Embaixador Angolano na Russia, Augusto da Silva Cunha

Luanda - The Angolan ambassador to the Russian Federation, Augusto da Silva, highlighted, on Wednesday (August 21), the sacrifices made so that the Southern African region could reach the level it is at currently.

The diplomat made these references when speaking at the celebrations of the 32nd SADC's anniversary, marked on August 17, adding that the region's dreams of freedom and growth are constant.

Augusto da Silva, also chairperson of the Ambassadors' Group of the Southern African Development Community Countries to the Russian Federation, highlighted that the region has a common memory rich in remarkable events.

Likewise, the diplomat mentioned the Motto that led to the 44th Summit of the regional organization, “Promoting Innovation to Unlock Opportunities for Sustained Economic Growth and Development Towards an Industrialized SADC”, which in his opinion shows the challenge and the path that States must take to accelerate progress towards their industrialization.

In turn, the deputy director for Africa at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrei Stolyarov, said that SADC's tangible achievements clearly demonstrate that, more than three decades ago, the community's member countries “made the right choice in favor of strengthening political and economic integration”.

He also highlighted the fact that it pays special attention to ensuring peace and security, through joint efforts to resolve conflicts and stabilize the situation in the region.

SADC's celebration Day took place at the M.I Library of Foreign Literature Rudomino, in Moscow, where the bust of the poet and first President of Angola, António Agostinho Neto, is located.

The event also featured an exhibition of culinary dishes, jewelry and art objects, fruits and drinks from the African region.

At the end of the activity, a musical concert took place by groups from Angola, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. SC/CF/DOJ


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