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Diplomat highlights Angola's initiatives in conflict resolution

  • Luanda • Monday, 18 November de 2024 | 12h19
Embaixador de Angola no Qatar, António  Coelho Ramos da Cruz
Embaixador de Angola no Qatar, António Coelho Ramos da Cruz

Luanda - The ambassador of Angola accredited to Qatar, António Coelho Ramos da Cruz, highlighted, in Doha, the initiatives of the Angolan Government in the search for peaceful solutions to conflicts in Africa, with emphasis on between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Rwanda and Sudan.

Speaking on the occasion of the celebration of National Independence Day, in the capital of Qatar, he pointed out that Angola has shared its experience in the peaceful resolution of disputes with the prevention and intermediation in various conflicts that trigger or threaten to break out in the region.

He made informed that Angola's action is essentially aimed at promoting peace, stability and security in Africa and bringing the people of the world in general closer together, at a time when the values ​​of dialogue and tolerance are being put to the test and conflicts and crises proliferate.

He emphasized the fact that Angola has become one of the political hubs of sub-Saharan and Southern Africa, where its President, João Lourenço, as Champion for Peace and Reconciliation in Africa, a mandate conferred by the African Union, develops initiatives limited to Great Lakes region and extends to all areas of the African continent where situations of insecurity and conflicts persist.

He reported that Angola has been following with equal concern the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine and the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East.

He reiterated the need to find the best ways to achieve definitive peace in these two troubled regions of the planet, based on respect for the UN Charter, the principles of non-aggression, the inviolability of borders and defense of the sovereignty of States, the need of the eviction of Palestinian territories and the creation of the independent and sovereign State of Palestine.

He made reference to President João Lourenço's message on the State of the Nation, which called on 'the world to rise up in unison for the end of these wars, in defense of the human lives that are being lost, in defense of peace and security in Europe and the East Middle East and the direct repercussions they have throughout the world'.

In this context, the Angolan diplomat welcomed the efforts made by Qatar in mediating the resolution of the conflict in the Middle East, with a view to achieving regional peace and global stability.

He believes that, in the case of the current conflict in the region, the creation of the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel appears to be the most appropriate path capable of definitively putting an end to the conflict that has lasted for decades and promoting good neighborly relations.

Bilateral cooperation

The ambassador recognized that bilateral cooperation between Angola and the State of Qatar has evolved significantly in recent years, having as its foundation the cooperation agreements and protocols signed during President João Lourenço's official visit to Qatar, in September 2019, during which the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad AI-Thani, encouraged Qatari businesspeople to invest in different sectors of the Angolan economy.

He noted that, within the framework of Angola's strategic vision for attracting investments to the country, Qatar is a great potential economic partner in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) due to its high level of development and great capacity to transform revenues from oil and gas drive its economy and the country's multifaceted development.

In the field of political-diplomatic relations, he highlighted the protocol for the establishment of a Political Consultation Mechanism to share and harmonize positions on bilateral, regional, continental and international issues and the agreement to suppress visas in diplomatic and special passports.

He also highlighted the Economic and Trade Agreement in the sectors of industry, mines, energy, agriculture, communications, transport, civil construction, labor and tourism and on air transport, which allowed the establishment of direct air links between Doha and Luanda.

The diplomat revealed, on the other hand, that Qatar Energy has been investing in the Angolan oil sector since 2020, with participating interests in Block 48, formed by the Total consortium, operator with 40%, Sonangol Research and Production, with 30% and Qatar Petroleum with 30%.

He reported that cooperation in the field of transport will also allow Qatari ships to transport liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported by Angola from the Angola LNG plant in Soyo, in Zaire province.

Cultural activity

Musician and composer Mito Gaspar entertained the 49th anniversary of National Independence, which took place in one of the hotels in the capital of Qatar.

Participants tasted a variety of typical Angolan dishes, which highlighted the richness and diversity of the country's cuisine. DC/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...