Economic performance depends on Central Bank’s obligations – Head of State

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 06 December de 2022 | 19h09
Presidente João Lourenço
Presidente João Lourenço

Luanda – Angolan President, João Lourenço, said Tuesday in Luanda that the performance of the Angolan economy depends a lot on how the National Reserve Bank of Angola (BNA) complies with its obligations enshrined in the Constitution and the Law.

In brief statements, at the swearing-in ceremony of the BNA Gvernor, José de Lima Massano, the President  stressed the importance of the country's Central Bank having fulfilled its role during the last years.


"The BNA has been fulfilling well its role, hence the fact that, after complying with the formalities required by the law, of the parliamentary hearing that was approved, we decided to reappoint the governor for another term of office in the certainty that, as much as in the recent past, you will continue with your work and commitment", Lourenço said.


João Lourenço added that he expects the governor to contribute to the success of the economic policies that the government has been developing.


"Therefore, I only have to wish you much success, the country is counting on you",  the President said.


Functions of the BNA

As the Central Bank, its main functions are to ensure the preservation of the value of the national currency and to participate in the definition of the monetary, financial and foreign exchange policies.


The National Bank of Angola is responsible for the execution, monitoring and control of the monetary flaw, foreign exchange and credit policies, management of the payment system and currency administration, within the scope of the country's economic policy.


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