CSMJ wants fuel smuggling in judicial forum

  • Luanda • Thursday, 03 November de 2022 | 15h55
Superior Council of Judiciary spokesperson Victor Assuilo
Superior Council of Judiciary spokesperson Victor Assuilo

Luanda - The Superior Council of Judiciary (CSMJ) decided Thursday that fuel smuggling should be dealt with within the criminal framework, and not administrative, as is currently the case.

In order to implement this deliberation, the CSMJ proposes the creation, in the 18 provinces of Angola, of mechanisms to bring to the courts cases related to fuel smuggling.

Speaking to the press on Thursday, the CSMJ spokesperson, Victor Assuilo, said after the meeting that the aforementioned offense can be punished with penalties ranging from three months to two years in prison, according to the seriousness of the case.

“Fuel smuggling should basically be taken to court, because that is the competent body, under the law, to deal with this case, since this offense is punishable by imprisonment,”  said the CSMJ spokesperson, Victor Assuilo.

Victor Assuilo, who is also a judge, underlined the fact that fuel smuggling generates major constraints for the national economy.

However, he said, the situation is getting worse, because in Angola the sale of fuel is subsidised by the state.

In addition, data from the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) indicate that from January to October of the current year, there were 113 cases of fuel smuggling, totaling more than 100,000 liters.

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