Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Judiciary launches public competition to fill CNE Chair vacancy

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 05 February de 2025 | 20h07
Edificio Sede da CNE
Edificio Sede da CNE
Cortesia/ Arsénio Bravo

Luanda - The Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSMJ) approved on Wednesday, Feb 5, in an ordinary session, the curriculum competition to fill the vacancy of the National Electoral Commission (CNE) Chair, a position occupied by Manuel Pereira da Silva, since 2020.

During the meeting chaired by the CSMJ's Head, Joel Leonardo, the competition, the composition of the jury and the respective regulations have already been approved, which will be sent, in the next few hours, to Jornal de Angola public newspaper, with the announcement of the opening of the competition.

Speaking to the press, CSMJ spokesperson, Correia Bartolomeu, explained that interested parties will be able to apply within the next five days from the date of publication of the competition notice, in Jornal de Angola.

He clarified that the process has deadlines to be observed because it follows a logical and chronological sequence, from the moment the regulation is announced and published.

In this sense, the jury, after receiving the applications, will have five days to publish the list of admitted candidates and, subsequently, will have 10 days to count the admitted candidates and publish the results.

Therefore, according to the spokesperson, we are talking about a timeline of between 20 and 35 days for the competition to be effectively concluded.

He said that, in this competition, the law establishes as requirement to be a judicial magistrate, be at least 35 years old, not to have been convicted of an intentional crime punishable by imprisonment and, in addition, must be in full enjoyment of their civil and political rights.

However, he continued, based on these requirements, graduation criteria were established, which vary between activity in the judiciary, experience in electoral processes, general professional merit, more specific requirements that will contribute to the selection of candidates from a graduation perspective and, in the end, the one who graduates first will be the person designated and sent to the National Assembly, to be sworn in.

Regarding the re-candidacy for the aforementioned position, Correia Bartolomeu, clarified that the law does not impose material or formal limits in this regard. “It means that the legislator did not impose limits regarding renewals. It can be renewed once, twice, three times. It will depend on the candidate’s interest or expression of interest.”



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