Multisectoral Commission for the 2024 Census evaluates tasks

  • Luanda • Thursday, 29 June de 2023 | 19h12
Multisectoral Commission for the 2024 Census evaluates tasks
Multisectoral Commission for the 2024 Census evaluates tasks
António Escrivão-AMGOP

The Multisectoral Commission for the 2024 Census on Thursday evaluated the progress on preparations for the Pilot Census, scheduled for July 19 in 7 provinces of the country.

The Pilot Census will take place in a total of 14 communes of Bié, Bengo, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Luanda, Lunda-Norte and Uíge provinces and its main goal is to help the central government to assess the logistical and technical structure to carry out the general Census that will take place in 2024.

The spokesperson of the Multisectoral Commission, Hernani Luís, told press that during the meeting the members accessed the level of accomplishment of tasks and find out what aspects that still should be optimized.

“The meeting aimed to have a portrait of the work done in these communes that on the 19th of July will be the stage of the Pilot Census”, Hernani Luís said at the end of the meeting, adding that all technical conditions have been created.

For sure, “we are going to need a significant number of census takers” and the Pilot Census will show us the real number of technicians needed for the General Census from 2024”.

Hernani Luís highlighted that 570 cartographers and 114 drivers are ready for the task and the Ministry of National Defence has at its disposal air and land means that will facilitate mobility in those areas of challenging access.

The Multisectoral Commission is coordinated by the Minister of State and Head of the Military Household of the President of the Republic, Francisco Pereira Furtado.

The 2024 General Census intends to collect information of a social and demographic nature, economic, health and housing survey and other data to robust and enrich the country’s statistical system.

The first meeting of the Multisectoral Commission for the 2024 Census took place on January 16 of this year and, since then, six ordinary meetings have taken place.

Angola carried out in 2014 its first Population Census, 21 years later after the country achieved the national independent from Portugal in 1975. SC/DOJ


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