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Malanje and Hampton to sign town-twinning agreement

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 29 May de 2024 | 13h35
Delegação de Angola nos EU
Delegação de Angola nos EU

Malanje- The local government of Angola’s northern Malanje province and the administrative authorities of Hampton (Virginia, United States of America) will sign in August, a town-twinning agreement, with a view to establishing relations in various areas.

This was announced by the Malanje governor, Marcos Nhunga, who is part of a group led by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Dionísio da Fonseca, taking part in the first International Summit of Twin Cities in all the Americas, in San Antonio, USA.

According to the Angolan official, the aim of the agreement is to exchange ideas in the areas of tourism, agro-industry, mining, health and education to boost and promote the development of Malanje province.

Marcos Nhunga said contacts are well advanced, as the province has been working on this dossier for some time, through the Tucker family, descendants of the first Angolan slaves to arrive in the United States of America, who also intend to invest in the land of their ancestors.

In order to accomplish this intention, Marcos Nhunga  said one of the Tucker family members is due to travel to Malanje in  June to make final arrangements, so that in August the agreement can be signed in Malanje together with the Hampton authorities.

The governor underscored the importance of the summit, considering that it will help to clarify how the twinning process works in practice.

The first International Twinning Summit in all the Americas kicked off on Tuesday and closes on Friday (31) and is analyzing innovative and sustainable models of cooperation between towns with a focus on the economy, global challenges and cultural diplomacy.

The Angolan delegation also includes the governor of Cabinda, Mara Quiosa, the deputy provincial governor of Luanda for the Political and Social Sector, Manuel António Gonçalves, as well as the Municipal Administrators of Luanda and Cabinda, Milca Caquesse and Guilherme Pereira respectively. ACC/PBC

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