Carolina Cerqueira shares experiences with women in legal profession

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 14 December de 2022 | 18h11
Presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Carolina Cerqueira
Presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Carolina Cerqueira
António Escrivão

Luanda - The Speaker of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira, held a dialogue on Wednesday with the Association of Women in Legal Careers on issues related to the materialisation of legally enshrined rights and opportunities.

To the press, the president of this association, Solange Pereira, said she took the opportunity to wish the National Assembly Speaker success in this new mission as it is the first time in 47 years of independence that Angola has a woman at the head of the Parliament.


“As the Angolan Association of Women in Legal Careers we could not let more time pass without coming and bringing our comfort to the Speaker of the Parliament and wishing her success ahead of this new task”, she pointed out.


Among the various projects that the Association has in its portfolio, the leader highlighted the problems related to sexual crimes, domestic violence and early pregnancy, noting that in 2023 they will extend their actions to the remaining provinces of the country.


The constitution of the Association of Women in Legal Careers occurred on the 15th of March 1995 and operates in elaborating studies on matters that in the domain of law are relevant for the effective realisation of rights and opportunities legally consecrated.


The Association also promotes clarifications and debates, as well as encourages the exchange of experiences and knowledge at a national and international level.


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