Bishop wants to strengthen mechanisms to combat illegal immigration

  • Luanda • Friday, 26 July de 2024 | 11h58
Bispo da Diocese de Cabinda, Dom Belmiro Chissengueti, após audiência cedida a nova governadora de Cabinda
Bispo da Diocese de Cabinda, Dom Belmiro Chissengueti, após audiência cedida a nova governadora de Cabinda
João Cuti

Cabinda – The bishop of the Diocese of Cabinda, Dom Belmiro Chissengueti, appealed on Thursday, in this city, to the competent authorities to strengthen mechanisms to combat illegal immigration in the region.

Speaking to the press, at the end of a meeting with the provincial governor of Cabinda, Suzana de Abreu, the Catholic prelate suggested strengthening patrols along the border with neighboring countries (DRC and Congo), to discourage this phenomenon, which, in his opinion, is beginning to take on alarming proportions.

Dom Belmiro Chissengueti considered the border that separates the province of Cabinda from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to be the most vulnerable, where citizens of this neighboring country systematically violate the dividing line.

“Today in Cabinda we have witnessed many criminal acts committed, mostly by citizens of neighbouring countries, especially those from the DRC”, said the bishop.

He also asked the population living along the border to continue to collaborate with the security and internal order forces in reporting illegal immigrants, who enter the country every day.

He reported that during the meeting he also discussed with the newly appointed governor aspects related to the rehabilitation of the road that connects Yema to Alto Sundi, as well as other matters related to the socio-economic development of Cabinda. The province of Cabinda, in the north of Angola, shares a 624 km border with two neighbouring countries (DRC and Congo). ING/JFC/JL/TED/DOJ

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