Manama - The African Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) defended this Monday, in Manama, capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the approval of a fund to support natural disasters, to face the damage caused by the effects of climate change.
The Speaker of the Mozambican Parliament, Esperança Bias, said to the press at the end of a meeting with her Angolan counterpart, Carolina Cerqueira, that the approval of this fund would serve to support countries suffering from the impact of climate change, in a general way.
“It is a pity that the proposed resolution for the approval of this fund was denied, but we’ll keep fighting for it to be effectively approved, in order to guarantee that the countries affected by the effects of climate change, as is the case of Mozambique, have some support to recover”, she explained.
Support for Angola
Esperança Bias also mentioned her country's support in holding the IPU's 147th General Assembly scheduled for October this year, in Luanda.
According to the official, Angola can and will be able to count on Mozambique for the successful organization of the event, as it is a brother and African country.
Angola received the same support from Cabo Verde, in Armindo João da Luz's voice, the Vice-Speaker of that country's parliament, during a meeting with his Angolan counterpart, Carolina Cerqueira.
For his part, the secretary general of the ICGLR Parliamentary Forum, Onyango Kakoba, took advantage of the meeting with Carolina Cerqueira not only to assert the regional organization's support but also to reinforce the invitation to participate in the assembly scheduled for the end of April in South Sudan.
Carolina Cerqueira took the opportunity to inform the steps taken by Angola within the framework of the pacification process in DRC's east zone.
According to Carolina Cerqueira, the support and solidarity of the countries in the region is essential for achieving peace and stability in the DRC, as well as in the Great Lakes Region itself.
Also as part of the participation in the IPU 146th General Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira held a courtesy meeting with the head of the Brazilian delegation, Atila Linz, who also affirmed his support for Angola.
Atila Linz added that the meeting in Luanda engaged the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), which is why Brazil is with Angola in this endeavour.
It should be recalled that during the IPU's general assembly, parliamentarians will assess the organization's strategies on climate change, accountability at all levels, as well as turning all political speeches into actions to really fight climate change.
The approach also includes reinforcement of climate legislation to reduce carbon gas emissions and support for a clean energy transition.
The IPU is made up of 178 national parliaments and 12 regional assemblies.
The IPU is the United Nations main parliamentary interlocutor.