Manama - The Parliament of Angola on Sunday joined the campaign entitled “My Parliament, My Planet” which was launched during the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
According to the theme of the campaign launched by the IPU, the aim is to mobilize parliaments and parliamentarians to act on the climate emergency.
The IPU argues that climate action starts at home and parliamentarians must lead by example before convincing people to engage in actions to protect the environment.
The first part of the campaign encourages Parliaments and their staff to the reduction of carbon use and be greener and the second part of the campaign will help Parliaments to intensify their action for the approval of adequate legislation, budgets and especially the control of governmental measures aiming at the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change adopted in 2015.
For the Angolan Parliament Speaker, Carolina Cerqueira, Angola welcomes the campaign “My Parliament, My Planet”, for a greener Parliament and to intensify initiatives to monitor and control the execution of the Executive´s policies in favour of the environment, the reduction of carbon emission under the Paris Agreement and the implementation of the UN Convention for climate change.
The reduction of carbon use and greenhouse gas emissions are other priorities, which will rely on the parliamentarians´ defence.
According to Carolina Cerqueira, the Parliament will continue to encourage the strengthening of institutional capacities to accompany the completion of certification of forests and environmental conservation areas of national parks and reserves.
Carolina Cerqueira reaffirmed the protection, conservation and restoration of nature, with more investment in the transition to blue and green carbon, capable of generating more sustainable development and boosting the circular economy.
She said that Parliament will continue to plant trees both in the institution´s premises and as part of the various campaigns being developed by environmental activists.
During the event, parliamentarians will analyse the organisation´s strategies on climate change, accountability at all levels, as well as the transformation of speeches into actions to fight climate change, as well as the strengthening of climate legislation to reduce carbon emissions and support for a clean energy transition.
The Inter-Parliamentary Union is made up of 178 national parliaments and 12 regional assemblies. It is currently the main parliamentary interlocutor for the United Nations.