Baku - Angola opened on Tuesday, in Azerbaijan, an exhibition on the country's potential and the Government's actions in favor of maintaining the ecosystem as part of the World Climate Conference.
The pavilion is equipped with televisions for the dissemination of messages about the actions taken by the Angolan Government, within the framework of the energy transition process, which has contributed to the fight against climate change and the reduction of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.
The Minister of the Environment, Ana Paula de Carvalho, stressed that climate change is an unquestionable global reality, which constitutes an environmental problem and a humanitarian emergency, disproportionately affecting the least developed countries and the most vulnerable populations.
She pointed out that Angola's development strategy programs are reflected for climate change 2022-2035, which aims to mitigate these phenomena.
The minister said that Angola suffers from climate change, especially in three provinces of the country (Cunene, Huíla and Namibe) and in them are a set of 13 municipalities that are greatly affected by climate change.
She clarified that the country continues to implement the Program to Combat the Effects of Drought in the Southern Region of Angola with the construction of new dams, aiming to promote agricultural development and the strengthening of food security, providing greater resilience to communities. FMA/SC/DOJ