Ecclesiastical and traditional authorities praise President’s speech

  • Luanda • Monday, 16 October de 2023 | 18h31
Extraordinary Session of National Assembly
Extraordinary Session of National Assembly

Luanda - Ecclesiastical and traditional entities considered this Monday, in Luanda, the State of the Nation speech delivered by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, at the opening of the 2023-2024 parliamentary year to be realistic and quite encouraging.

Bishop Afonso Nunes, leader of the Simão Toco Church, emphasized that the Head of State was very realistic regarding the country's current problems, pointing out solutions to overcome them and expressing the need to increase national production.

"We hope that the message to the Nation from the Head of State will be implemented in the reality that is projected, because the country is going through difficulties, as the President of the Republic himself also recognized", he pointed out.

For him, the difficulties will only be overcome with the work and contribution of everyone and the implementation of projects listed by the president, especially relating to the fight against hunger.

In this regard, he defended bank financing for farmers and peasant associations, to present results that meet the real needs of the population.

Excellent relations between state and church

Canon Apolónio, of the Catholic Church, encouraged President João Lourenço to do better for democracy and for the lives of Angolan families, having highlighted "the good relations that exist between the Church and the Angolan State".

"In my 31 years of priesthood I have appreciated that relations between the Church and the State are good and should be increasingly privileged", he stressed.

On the other hand, the traditional Chief of Uíge, António Charles Muanawuta, said that the message on the State of the Nation delivered by the President of the Republic renewed the hopes of the Angolan people.

"The President of the Republic's speech was very rich and encouraging, because he detailed projects that are underway for the country's development, this is what I will transmit to my communities", he observed.

Likewise, politician and university professor João Pinto highlighted that the Head of State listed projects that will significantly improve people's lives.

"In the case of Luanda, there will be more distribution of water and energy, which demonstrates concern about people's real lives", he pointed out.

For him, the new parliamentary year will be marked by a certain pressure and the economic situation that the country is experiencing, "but the President of the Republic has given signals that it is necessary to respect order, tranquility and legally democratic institutions"

Speech aimed at youth

The leader of JMPLA (MPLA youth wing), Crispiniano dos Santos, said that the Head of State's speech was very comforting, because it reflected aspects linked to youth from the point of view of technical-professional training, housing, employment, promotion of entrepreneurship and economic guidance.

"Throughout his speech, the President of the Republic detailed issues aimed at youth and this is very good because it is with trained young people that Nations are made", he argued.



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