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2022 Elections – PRS defends the life sentence for heinous crimes

  • Luanda • Thursday, 04 August de 2022 | 17h03
Candidato do PRS a Presidente da República, Benedito Daniel
Candidato do PRS a Presidente da República, Benedito Daniel
Laite Tito

Luanda – The Party for Social Renewal (PRS) will defend, in front of the National Assembly (AN), reform of the justice system and introduce prison life sentence, if it wins the August 24th general elections.

During its airtime this Thursday, on Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA), PRS proposed establishing the prison life sentence for all voluntary homicides
and other serious crimes, in order to ensure peace, social stability and eradication of heinous acts.

The transformation of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) into a true legal body for the country, as well as the appreciation of human resources, with
training for bailiffs, judicial magistrates, and public prosecutor, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the work, are part of the government
proposal of the PRS.

For the political training, the valuing of our human resources will also be through the establishment of just salaries, benefits for the magistrates, in
order to avoid being tempted with corruption.

The 2022 election has the participation of eight political parties, two of which are participating for the first time, PHA and P-NJANGO.

The eight political parties will compete for the votes of 14,399 voters, of which 22,560 reside abroad and will vote, for the first time, in the fifth
elections in the history of Angola, after being unable to vote in the elections of 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017.

The Party for Social Renewal (PRS) was founded in 18 November 1990, and had as its first leader Eduardo Kuangana, who led the party for 27 years.

In the first general elections it was a part of, in 1992, PRS achieved six seats in the National Assembly.  This number increased to eight in the 2008

In the 2012 elections, the party saw its seats in the National Assembly reduced to three, while in 2017 only two MPs remained.

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