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Elections 2022: P-NJANGO a party without ethnic preferences – leader

  • Luanda • Monday, 25 July de 2022 | 18h38
P-NJANGO leader Eduardo Jonatão Chingunji
P-NJANGO leader Eduardo Jonatão Chingunji
Pedro Parente-Angop

Luanda – The president of P-NJANGO Eduardo Jonatão Chingunji “Dinho Chingunji” said Monday that his party has a clear ideology, without ethnic or linguistic preferences of its members.


 “Those who join the political party must adapt without being based on aspects of kinship or friendship”, said during the ten-minute airtime on radio broadcasting, as part of the campaign for the elections of 24 August this year.

In turn, the secretary general, José Manuel da Costa, said that a party like P-NJANGO was needed, as it had clear principles.

During the programme, the politician also stated that his party will always contribute to solving the country's various problems, if it wins the next elections.

This is the first election in which P-NJANGO participates. In case of victory in the elections, it  focuses on eradicating hunger and poverty.

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...