President calls for harmony, commitment to nation's welfare

  • Luanda • Saturday, 17 September de 2022 | 13h39
Presidente da República, João Lourenço rende homenagem em memória do Drº Agostinho Neto
Presidente da República, João Lourenço rende homenagem em memória do Drº Agostinho Neto
Santos Pedro - JA

Luanda – Angolan president of the Republic João Lourenço Saturday urged the Angolan people to build, in harmony and consistently, the Nation that would be source of pride for its founder, António Agostinho Neto.

The appeal is expressed in the book of honours in memory of António Agostinho Neto, who, on Saturday (17), would turn 100 years of age. 

The Angolan statesman considered necessary the exaltation of the qualities of the deceased as courageous fighter for the independence, freedom and welfare of the people. 

João Lourenço also praised the prophetic and mobilising vision of his poetic work, his humanist spirit, his solidarity and internationalist vocation. 

"In his role of heir of the traditions of resistance of our ancestors and of clairvoyant guide, Dr. António Agostinho Neto taught us to trust our forces and the justice of our struggle, being sure of the final victory, despite eventual momentary setbacks in our liberating process", underlined. 

President Neto managed to embody the deepest yearnings and the most legitimate aspirations of the people for freedom and social justice, enshrined in his lapidary expression that "the most important thing is to solve the problems of the people". 

João Lourenço referred that "to remember and to celebrate the historical figure of Agostinho Neto is to mark for the new generations the maximum example to follow in the universal combat against all the forms of oppression and exploration of the man for the man". 

The President of the Republic reiterated the loyalty to the politician-humanist ideology of Agostinho Neto and renewed the commitment to continue (...) to guarantee to the Angolans one better life, in the plans of the health, education, the habitation, the work, the culture and the leisure. 

Still this Saturday, ahead of celebration of the 100th anniversary of Agostinho Neto, the President of the Republic, accompanied by the First Lady, Ana Dias Lourenço, witnessed the hoisting, in a mast of 75 meters, the monument-flag in the Museum of Military History. 

Then, he laid wreath at the sarcophagus containing the remains of the leader Founder of the Nation.

The event gathered various figures including the Vice president of the Republic, Esperança Costa, who considered Neto a fierce defender of the material and spiritual rights as well as dignity and the freedom of the Angolan people, of Africa and the world. 


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