National Assembly fulfills role of supervising Executive actions

  • Luanda • Thursday, 15 August de 2024 | 20h06
Deputado da Assembleia Nacional, Virgílio Tyova
Deputado da Assembleia Nacional, Virgílio Tyova
Joaquina Bento - ANGOP

Luanda - MPLA Parliamentary Group's deputy-chair, Vigílio Tyova, considered on Thursday, that the National Assembly, in the exercise of the II legislative session of the V Legislature, fulfilled its role in supervising the Executive actions, in accordance with the assumptions of the law and its regulations.

According to the chairperson of the MPLA Parliamentary Group, the House of Law held several hearings with ministers and other members of the State apparatus, to clarify numerous public administration matters, as well as thorough and competent analyzes of the General State Account.

For the parliamentarian, the legislative year, which ends August 15th, is characterized by positivity, taking into account the quantity and quality of legal diplomas approved, as well as the number of resolutions that have come into force, mainly those linked to international agreements, in the field of labor law.

Regarding the challenges of the next legislature, Vigílio Tyova said that the aim is to do more and better than the previous year, in this context there are several diplomas that are carried over to the next legislative year, such as the dossier on local authorities.

For this reason, he highlighted the fact that there is a joint negotiating commission, at the level of the MPLA and UNITA parliamentary groups, with the aim of bringing the two diplomas closer together, specifically the proposal of the President of the Republic and the largest opposition party.

“The negotiations are going well, in this regard, the common aspects in the two diplomas are being identified, as well as the divergent points, which is where more work is required to find greater approximations and consensus”, he highlighted.

In terms to supervisory action, FNLA president, Nimi a Nsimbi, defended greater intervention and action by the National Assembly, regarding the management of public affairs, by the Executive.

UNITA Parliamentary Group chair, Liberty Chiaka, agreed with his FNLA colleague.

However, he argued that, when it comes to legislative action, the most important point in approving a law is that it has to have an impact on citizens' lives.


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