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National Assembly condemns attack on UNITA caravan in Cuito Cuanavale

  • Luanda • Friday, 12 April de 2024 | 19h13
Sessão Plenária da Assembleia Nacional
Sessão Plenária da Assembleia Nacional
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda - The National Assembly (AN) on Friday condemned the incident that occurred in the commune of Longa, municipality of Cuito Cuanavale (Cuando Cubango), where a UNITA delegation suffered an attack perpetrated by alleged criminals, causing injuries and property damage.

According to a note to which ANGOP had access, the National Assembly regrets what happened and calls on the population to respect peaceful coexistence, social peace and the precepts of the democratic State and the rule of law.

It considers that the National Assembly is a plural sovereign body whose composition represents the sovereign will of the Angolan people.

It adds that democratically elected Members of the Parliament represent the people and, as such, must deserve respect and protection of their physical integrity, respect for difference and diversity of opinion and belief.

It also highlights that the construction of democracy presupposes the strengthening of institutions, unity in diversity, respect for difference and the preservation of the hard-won peace of all Angolans.

“Let us remain firm in defending principles and values, acts in defense of peace, national unity and repudiate all acts that reveal political, religious and social intolerance, language of hatred and violence that should have no place in a democratic State governed by the rule of law” , he highlighted.

“We are convinced that the incident that occurred today in the municipality of Cuito Cuanavale, province of Cuando Cubango, will deserve due attention from the competent authorities, for which the perpetrators must be held responsible”, he concluded, showing his solidarity with the families of the victims of the incident. SC/IZ/DOJ

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